How are you doing with the Love Dare? Is it helping? Are you able to do it each day? Are you keeping a personal journal of your progress? Is your mate responding? Does this blog form help you?
Should I just postthese in my other blog and erase this blog?
Thanks for your input. I was hoping to have more ladies join. But I know this is a time consuming thing. Hope you are benefiting from it.
Praying for both of your marriages daily :) I am proud of you both for wanting to make a difference in your marriage!
I posted about it on my today's MHR post.
I am enjoying it and I can see that it really works! I also love this blog - but you can erase it if you want, I think it is cool to have a blog dedicated to the dare. I was hoping for more participants too, I had asked 2 of my dear friends to join, but they did not join.. because of their schedules as you said. Maybe ladies will jump in.. who knows! I am enjoying having the two of you Love Dare friends to share with:) On a side note - Brandie, can I steal this tag?? It is so pretty and I LOVE yellow roses!
Thanks Peggy :)
I enjoy it too and if the two of you are still in with me we will continue here.
Yes, dear friend snag away!
Thanks Brandie! Yes, I am in it for the whole 40 days:)
Thanks Brandie! Yes, I am in it for the whole 40 days:)
Praise God I am going to put day 9 on today sorry I am a bit behind....Life ya know lol
One thing is sure: this is making me re0think my marriage. I love doing it, but I've never been able to keep a journal. However this is helping me a lot and I am always eager to do the next dare.
Like Peggie I thought this would intrigue more ladies. But I'm sure there are others doing it, but not commenting on it. I'll put this button on my blog though.
Thanks Brandie.
Love you ladies....I am so glad we are sharing here! And just so you know both of you are in my prayers. I see you names and I pray! God is so good, it is a true blessing to have you both here :)
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